xlr mini%252bxlr mini%2bxlr sinule+kullast+s%c3%bcdant karaoke
1 | 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover | Paul Simon |
2 | Against The Wind | Bob Seger & Silver Bullet Band |
3 | Cecilia | Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel |
4 | Amie | Pure Prairie League |
5 | Beth | Kiss |
6 | Danny's Song | Kenny Loggins & Jo Dee Messina |
7 | Doctor My Eyes | Jackson Brown |
8 | If You Could Read My Mind | Gordon Lightfoot |
9 | Please Come To Boston | Dave Loggins |
10 | Hard Luck Woman | Kiss |
11 | Key Largo | Bernie Higgins |
12 | Taxi | Harry Chapin |
13 | Sundown | Gordon Lightfoot |
14 | Wild World | Cat Stevens |
15 | Turn The Page | Bob Seger & Silver Bullet Band |
16 | 867 5309 Jenny | Tommy Tutone |