• You can choose between following currencies while shopping: EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, SEK, NOK and DKK


You can choose between following payment methods. Availability depends on your country.

  • PayPal - All countries
    • Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Discover)
    • PayPal account
  • Klarna Checkout - Sweden, Norway, Germany, Austria and Finland
    • Credit cards (Visa and MasterCard)
    • Invoice
    • Partial payment
    Klarna Checkout User Terms


  • Cost of delivery will be informed at the checkout (before payment).


  • We will ship goods same day, if order is placed before 12:00 (local time in Helsinki), unless MADBOY-AUDIO.COM informs you that we are temporarily out of stock.
  • If goods are out of stock, we will inform the consumer immediately about delivering as soon as item is back in stock.
  • Delivery times to Europe are between 2-7 working days. Outside of Europe 6-8 working days.


Tarbijal on õigus tagastada kasutamata tooted neljateistkümne (14) päeva jooksul alates toote/toodete kättesaamisest, välja arvatud kättesaamise päev. Tagastatav toode ja tootepakend peavad olema oluliselt samas seisukorras kui kättesaamisel. Kui toodet on kasutatud ja see põhjustab toote väärtuse langust, võtame tasu vastavalt väärtuse langusele.

Tagastamisõigus ei kehti:

  • Avatud karaokekettad
  • Laadimiskettad
  • Mikrofonide tuulekaitsed (hügieenilistel põhjustel)
  • Avatud mikrofonid (hügieenilistel põhjustel)
  • Avatud tooted, mis sisaldavad mikrofone lahutamatu osana, nagu näiteks U-REMIX-paketid (hügieenilistel põhjustel)
  • Varuosad

Kõigile tagastustele tuleb lisada kirjalik tagastusvorm. Tagastusvormi saab välja printida tellimuse jälgimise lehelt. Tellimuse jälgimise lehele sisselogimiseks kasutage tellija e-posti aadressi ja tellimusnumbrit (leitav nii tellimuse kinnituses kui ka tarne kinnituses). Tarbijal palutakse saata enne toote tagastamist tagastusteade ka e-posti aadressile

Kõik tagastused toimuvad posti teel. Me ei võta vastu muul viisil saadetud tagastusi. Tagastused saadetakse aadressile KARAOKEKESKUS.COM, Aittatie 6, 96320 Rovaniemi, Finland. Me võtame tasu saatmis- ja tagastuskulude eest. Tagastatud tellimuse saatmis- ja tagastuskulud võetakse vastavalt tegelikele saatmiskuludele. Seetõttu võivad need olla oluliselt suuremad kui tellimisel arvestatud postikulud.


  • Our warranty is a full year on all of our products.
  • When problems appears, MADBOY-AUDIO.COM must be contacted immediately by email ( by the customer.
  • All returns must be approved by MADBOY-AUDIO.COM.
  • MADBOY-AUDIO.COM will direct customer how and where to return the goods for repair at no cost.


  • Although we pack our goods well, damages will sometimes occur during transportation.
  • Please check all packages when picking them up.
  • If package is damaged, and item / items are damaged, make damage report to delivery service right away .
  • Contact us ( with the damage report from your carrier and we will organize you a replacement or refer you to one of our service centers.


  • If goods received are either wrong products or damaged, MADBOY-AUDIO.COM must be contacted ( immediately by the customer All returns must be approved by MADBOY-AUDIO.COM, which will direct customer how to return the goods at no cost.
  • Returning of items can be done only after Reclamation.


  • MADBOY-AUDIO.COM is not responsible for delayment of order in the case of force major (war, natural catastrophes, changes of import or export laws, decisions of authorities, political changes, disturbance of public transportations,) or other activity out of control of MADBOY-AUDIO.COM.


  • Any disagreements will be solved according to Finnish laws by Rovaniemi District Court.

MadBoy Audio International Oy
Aittatie 6
96320 Rovaniemi
+358 40 510 1500